Summer season

We’ve started the summer transfer season at Post – most folks come in or out in the summer months. We’ve had two new people come into our section recently, and the head of the section will be transferring out soon. I made a run to the airport on Wednesday to pick up one of the new girls, and on Thursday night after work, several of us sat on Beth’s balcony upstairs for a little happy hour to welcome her to town.

We can also tell it’s summer here because the beach is a lot more crowded and there are more tourists on the street. And it’s starting to get hot. Since we weren’t here last year, we really don’t know how hot it will be – but folks keep saying it gets pretty uncomfortable.

Yesterday I went into the office to get some things done – seems like there’s never enough time in the day to do everything. Last night we went to a great party at Ben and Jen’s apartment – they are wonderful hosts and we had a really good time.

John’s parents, Pete and Ginger, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this week – congratulations! Wish we could have been at the party!

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