The big ice cube

February 9th, 2025

John and I loved our quick jaunt down to Patagonia this weekend – we flew to El Calafate Friday morning. On the drive from Calafate to Glacier National Park, our guide took this photo of us; it seems to capture the vastness of the country, the crazy blue of the lake in the distance, and the big sky.

We were thrilled to see Andean condors flying! They have the biggest wingspan of the continental birds and they were truly beautiful. We also saw a family of grey foxes climbing in a Calafate bush to eat berries (kind of like a blueberry) and we saw a lot of choiques (like an ostrich but smaller). On the way to the airport today, we saw a guanaco and a red fox! We also saw a lot of other interesting birds, like the black buzzard-eagle and a lot of caracaras.

And then there was the glacier (or the big ice cube as John called it).

Taken on the boat

Once inside the national park, we took a walk through the woods down to the shore of the lake, then walked on a long series of boardwalks to see both the north and south sides of the glacier. Lots of stairs up and down! (John’s step counter said we walked over eight miles all day.) We took an hourlong boat excursion to get fairly close to the north face – just beautiful.

Our hotel faced the lake – it’s a huge lake fed by glacier melt, so it has this incredible blue-turquoise color. It’s called milky water due to the minerals. It was just stunning. In the morning, the light hit the snow on the mountains and the sky was an amazing pink.

Lake Argentino

Friday night we did “dinner in a cave,” a touristy but fun outing with an absolutely incredible lamb stew that I’m still thinking about!

It was a great way to escape the city and relax after a stressful week at work. Last Sunday I talked to my friend Cathy, and David and James. I read Brooke Shields’ memoir, “Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old,” which makes me want to watch some of her comedy roles.

Fork in the Road

February 2nd, 2025
With Will and Ellen

We were absolutely delighted to have Will and Ellen over for dinner Friday night while they were in Buenos Aires. They are spending the winter in southern Chile and popped over to Buenos Aires for the weekend. It was wonderful to catch up with them! We hadn’t seen them in probably 35 years, if not more.

I went to lunch with Lea and Rachel on Friday at the new Mishugene Cafe – we’re off early due to summer hours. On Saturday, Lea and I had lunch at the Museum of Hispanic Art, a small but lovely collection of 16th-18th century art, mostly religious. The grounds are lovely and we sat outside on the terrace – photos below.

John and I have been enjoying “Prime Target” and “HIP: High Intellectual Potential,” a French detective show with a hot mess of a protagonist. I’m reading “How to Retire,” by Christine Benz – lots of good things to think about!

Museum of Hispanic Art
The museum even has a resident cat!


January 26th, 2025
Drop-dead gorgeous sunrise

John took this great photo of the sunrise this morning – it was really spectacular! I was up early to watch the finals of the Australian Open yesterday and today. I was thrilled to see an American win for the women!

Lea and I had coffee at Bella Italia last Monday on MLK Day and had a good time catching up after her vacation. Yesterday we met for lunch at El Refuerzo in San Telmo for a delicious lunch. I stopped by my favorite leather store to see what they had new in stock.

John and I had not been to Don Julio’s for steak since we’ve been here in Buenos Aires and made reservations to go today. The steaks were delicious! We sat upstairs and had a bird’s eye view of the place. It was comfortable with good service.

John and I finished watching the first part of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and completed “The Agency” – we enjoyed them both!

Here’s a shot of Don Julio’s from the upstairs!

Full week at work

January 19th, 2025
Friday night dinner at Cabanas las Lilas

John and I celebrated the end of the work week – the first full work week since before Christmas – by going out to dinner at a nice steak house. The embassy was busy all week bidding our Ambassador farewell as his tour came to a close. I was also busy in the consular section covering several different emergencies involving U.S. citizens.

John and I got caught up with “Matlock” and continued with episodes of “The Agency.” We also started “100 Years of Solitude” last night. I just watched “Woman of the Hour” with Anna Kendrick on Netflix while John was outside roasting coffee on the balcony. I finished reading “All Fours” and also “Bellevue” by Robin Cook (who I met on our cruise last year). I just started a book about having a fulfilling retirement.

Not much else to report this week!


January 12th, 2025
With Martin and Hernan

We had a lovely time last night at Martin and Rosario’s house for an asado with Hernan and his wife Sandra. It’s hard to believe we’ve known them now for almost 30 years. It doesn’t seem so long ago that we were living in Costa Rica with Martin and Rosario and their newborn baby! It was a beautiful summer evening and we enjoyed eating outside, overlooking the pool and watching their two dogs run around the yard.

Love these trees

We were off work on Thursday to mourn the passing of former President Carter. I ran some errands and took this photo of trees across the street from us on my way to lunch alone at Invernadero. John was busy selling off a lot of his game collection – his phone has been pinging and the doorbell ringing all week, with happy gamers coming to pick up their treasures!

The week at work was busy – my boss is on vacation so I’m in charge of the section for a bit. Lea is also away — as are a lot of Argentines. I love January because the city is so quiet and streets feel empty. The downside is that lots of shops have “away for vacation” signs on them, so my attempts at finding an open frame store have been thwarted.

Statue across the street from us – not sure who it is, but I love the cat by his side!

Speaking of cats — Flavia is doing well. She is glad Pilar is back from her vacation so she can be better attended to throughout the day!

In a deep sleep

John and I wrapped up “Shogun” this week – we can see why it won so many awards. We’re still enjoying “The Agency.” I just finished reading “All Fours” for my book club.

And finally, here’s wishing my mother-in-law Ginger a happy birthday this past week!