Happy 4th!

Smart alecs - when I told them to let me take their picture in front of this pretty tree

Happy 4th of July! We had a nice day – I used it to catch up on work and write an employee’s review. It’s always nice when you have a super employee to write about – so much easier to do. Afterward, I went to the gym then had lunch with two buddies from Tel Aviv, Mike and Howie, at the Club. The rest of the day was relaxing – a massage and man-pedi.

Last Sunday was a fun day. Michael, Scott, Laura, and their sweet dog Fenway came over to play board games (well, Fenway just slept and played in the yard). I just watched but thoroughly enjoyed myself. We enjoy having folks over.

Monday was Michael’s last day at work. I’m really sad to see him go, although I know he’s looking forward to being back with his family.

Tuesday night we went to a nice dinner at Sandy’s house to welcome Joe and Julie. Joe and John share an office; Julie just arrived and is really nice. As always, we enjoyed being at Sandy’s – good food and good company.

Wednesday, the local staff supervisor came to me and said, “We have an applicant outside, but we don’t know if he is here for a passport or a visa – can you come outside?” So, off I went to see what was going on. Surprise! It wasn’t a person, but a young goat and his mom! They were just hanging around outside where all of our visa applicants enter the building. I petted his head and scratched around his little stubs of horns. Then I made a fist and pressed it against his forehead – he started pushing back and trying to butt me…then he would rear back on his little hind legs and dance around and try to butt me again. I was laughing so hard I was crying! I went back later in the day with Scott and played with him some more – just hysterical! The guards say he and his mom have been coming around a lot and just hang out in the shade.

And of course, I have the little black and white kitty who I feed outside the Consular section (against the rules…shhhh). This week, they put a fancy shoe-shine bench right where she normally hangs out – so now, she thinks the bench is her new bed, with a nice leather cushion on it! She’s decided that it’s ok for me to pet her, and she won’t hardly let me go home. She runs in between my legs and slaps my ankles to get me to stop. She’ll follow me as far as she can when I go home each day, like a little puppy. So cute.

I have to say, the animals around the Consular section remind me that animals are easy and people are hard!

Michael and Scott




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