Thanksgiving in June

We went to a “Thanksgiving in June” dinner at the DCM’s residence last Sunday evening – it was fun, a dozen people or so. The DCM and her husband are getting ready to leave, so we were the lucky recipients of a frozen turkey in the freezer! And leave it to them to make a fun party of it!

I also went to the DCM’s residence on Thursday night for a dinner to introduce some of her female contacts in government and civil society to some of us women in the Embassy. I met some new folks and had a chance to catch up with some familiar faces. I sat with the two female Liberian senators. One won a hotly contested election in her county – she described being forced to hide alone in the bush from a country bush devil. I’m not exactly sure how to describe a bush devil – they are usually men disguised to protect their identity who mete out punishment or justice – that’s my understanding, at least. You sure don’t want one coming for you. I bought a small depiction of one last week and he’s hanging out in my office for now. If he get mischievous, I will put him in a drawer.

John and I went to our neighbors Pam and John’s for drinks after work Friday. We really like them – and they have a kitten! He’s at that perfect kitten stage where he acts totally crazy then conks out!

I had a good chat with cousin David on his birthday last Sunday, and another chat with Ann on hers Wednesday. Pam, Ann, Jackie, and I also had our biweekly call last Sunday.

Work continues to be overwhelming with too much to do and not enough time or people to do it. Our fabulous IV chief left yesterday for his well-deserved R&R so I know the coming weeks won’t be easy.

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