We had a lovely time last night at Martin and Rosario’s house for an asado with Hernan and his wife Sandra. It’s hard to believe we’ve known them now for almost 30 years. It doesn’t seem so long ago that we were living in Costa Rica with Martin and Rosario and their newborn baby! It was a beautiful summer evening and we enjoyed eating outside, overlooking the pool and watching their two dogs run around the yard.

We were off work on Thursday to mourn the passing of former President Carter. I ran some errands and took this photo of trees across the street from us on my way to lunch alone at Invernadero. John was busy selling off a lot of his game collection – his phone has been pinging and the doorbell ringing all week, with happy gamers coming to pick up their treasures!
The week at work was busy – my boss is on vacation so I’m in charge of the section for a bit. Lea is also away — as are a lot of Argentines. I love January because the city is so quiet and streets feel empty. The downside is that lots of shops have “away for vacation” signs on them, so my attempts at finding an open frame store have been thwarted.

Speaking of cats — Flavia is doing well. She is glad Pilar is back from her vacation so she can be better attended to throughout the day!

John and I wrapped up “Shogun” this week – we can see why it won so many awards. We’re still enjoying “The Agency.” I just finished reading “All Fours” for my book club.
And finally, here’s wishing my mother-in-law Ginger a happy birthday this past week!