We were absolutely delighted to have Will and Ellen over for dinner Friday night while they were in Buenos Aires. They are spending the winter in southern Chile and popped over to Buenos Aires for the weekend. It was wonderful to catch up with them! We hadn’t seen them in probably 35 years, if not more.
I went to lunch with Lea and Rachel on Friday at the new Mishugene Cafe – we’re off early due to summer hours. On Saturday, Lea and I had lunch at the Museum of Hispanic Art, a small but lovely collection of 16th-18th century art, mostly religious. The grounds are lovely and we sat outside on the terrace – photos below.
John and I have been enjoying “Prime Target” and “HIP: High Intellectual Potential,” a French detective show with a hot mess of a protagonist. I’m reading “How to Retire,” by Christine Benz – lots of good things to think about!