Off to Quito

This will be a quick post, because John and I are headed to the airport to go to Ecuador for our Spanish immersion. We’ll be back on Feb. 2. We have a friend here at the apartment complex who will take care of the cats, but we really hate to leave them! We’ve never left them for this long before.

We spent last Sunday evening with our good friend Richard, on his last night in DC before flying off to his post in New Delhi, India. We had a great dinner at Lebanese Taverna, the first place we had dinner with him many months ago.

Our friends Rob and Della are leaving for their post in the Dominican Republic next week, so the four of us went out for Vietnamese food on Tuesday night. They had a great party at their apartment (here at the Oakwood) last night. Della just found out that she was accepted into the March class of Foreign Service Officers, so we’ll get to see her again before we go to Mexico.

I don’t know if I have mentioned it, but I’ve been going to yoga twice a week here at the apartment complex. I always forget how much I love yoga until I start doing it again. This instructor is OK, but it makes me realize what great instruction I got at Barefoot Studios in Little Rock.

OK, we’re off to the airport! We should have internet access, so I’ll try to write a post while we’re gone.

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