Getting antsy

So…we are getting into the countdown stage of leaving, and our days have been busy. I’ve been trying to get all of my doctor and dentist appointments done, we have consultation appointments during the week, and we are studying hard so we can test out of Spanish successfully. John met with the movers this week to arrange for our things in the apartment to be shipped, and I made arrangements for our things in the warehouse (I think they actually left the warehouse this week). And yesterday, we traded in the Saab and bought a new 4Runner!

Friday night we met friends for dinner at Chef Geoff’s (I had yummy gouda grits with shrimp), then we went to see the Capitol Steps – they were really funny. It’s a political satire show set to music – basically a series of skits, and it’s a hoot. There were jokes about Hillary, Obama, Larry Craig, immigration – you name it. Go to the web site, and you can hear a few of their songs, like “Huckabee” set to the tune of “Let It Be” or “A Leader like Barack” set to “Leader of the Pack.” Pretty funny.

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