Good to be home

Bangkok pay phones - not sure why the flash turned them blue but I kind of like it.

As much as I love R&R, I also love coming home! Flavie met us on the stairway, talking to us as if to scold us for being gone too long. She firmly planted herself on me all week, when she wasn’t in her favorite spot underneath the heater.

Most of the week we just layed low and didn’t do a lot. We made a couple of trips out for shopping and to go to the spa, but otherwise we were homebodies. I made a pot of chili since it’s kind of cold here – actually it’s colder inside the house than outside. I had a school board meeting on Tuesday night.

We watched the first season of “House of Cards” – we’ve sure enjoyed it. Kevin Spacey is great in it. We also watched a good movie with Paul Giamotti called “Win Win” and we saw the new Sandra Bullock movie, “Gravity.”

Thursday night we finished our long distance Spanish class. Our instructor had us both on Skype and we did a mock test – a great exercise.

This has been a great R&R! A couple of parting shots below.

Singha time!

Enjoying a night on the town!

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