Off to prison

Making soup at the market

Making soup at the market

The highlight of the week (if you can call it that) was my first prison visit in this consular district. A team of us headed to the federal penitentiary in Tepic – a huge sprawling complex. We have about 25 American prisoners there, both men and women. It was a long day, and hot compared to Guadalajara (I can tell I am already getting spoiled by the weather here), but it was fun to get out of the city and see some of the countryside. The mountainous drive took us pass the town of Tequila, as well as Volcan Tequila, and we saw miles of agave plantations. I’m looking forward to visiting there at some point.

Monday was a holiday, so John and I went to Sam’s and Walmart to stock up on groceries and household supplies. I wasn’t too impressed with Sam’s here, so will be checking out Costco to see if it’s better.

Yesterday, my new Honda was delivered to us, along with part of our air shipment from Hot Springs! It’s nice to have some different shoes and clothes to wear, and I look forward to driving here!

The rest of the week was pretty calm – just to work and home. John went to a newcomers’ party hosted by our Consul General on Wednesday night; I missed it since we didn’t get back from the prison visit until 8PM, but John had a good time.

Flavie seems to be getting more used to the apartment and is eating better and exploring a bit more. She’s really a trooper.

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