Light at the end of the tunnel

We sent in our bid list this week and our employee evaluations are out of our hands for the moment – these were two big things hanging over our heads, so this weekend we really felt a sense of relief and accomplishment. Hopefully, we’ll know in a couple of weeks where we will be going! The light at the end of the tunnel may be a train, but John and I feel like we’ll be happy wherever we end up.

Last Sunday we had a great breakfast at Tomochi’s with our friends Beth and Tom. It was so much fun to go to a restaurant here in Juarez where there were a lot of people – even a wait to get in. Most restaurants are sparsely populated these days.

We had a nice outing to Las Cruces yesterday morning with the retired TDYers Joe and David. They are both so interesting. David was in the Peace Corps before he joined the Foreign Service, and Joe was – of all things – a Jesuit priest. They have been all over the world and have great stories, plus they are such gentlemen it’s a pleasure to be with them. They loved the farmers’ market – it was a gorgeous day outside – then we had a good lunch at the Double Eagle in Old Mesilla (Joe had been there years ago).

Friday after work, I joined some of the local staff at the tennis court behind the Consulate (yes, we have a tennis court). It was a lot of fun. One of the Consulate drivers, Polo, is about my age and he’s a good tennis player. They brought in the 16 year old brother of another staff employee for a match with Polo – there was a pretty decent crowd of us and lots of verbal encouragement for them both. When I left, Polo was schooling the teen, which was pretty funny.

Last night we watched “La Vie en Rose” – it was excellent, as Cousin Dail said it was.

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