Happy Mother’s Day!

Laura Jane

Laura Jane

This week has been crazy at work. My boss was at a conference all week, so it was just me in the office and boy, were we busy! There were several unfortunate incidents involving American citizens that we had to help take care of, plus our normal busy passport work. But we made it through to the end of the week to my birthday!

My office had a nice lunch brought in for me on Friday, plus my favorite coconut cream pie. Diet be damned! It was delicious.

Pete and Ginger sent me two books about Hot Springs. I’ve started the first one, called “Hot Springs, Past and Present” by Ray Hanley. It’s really neat – he has a photo on the top of the page of an old landmark in its hey-day, then a present day photo below. It makes me want to take it and drive around town. I wish I could have seen Hot Springs back when it was hopping!

John took me out for a nice dinner, again to Sacromonte. Our new friend Drew, a TDYer from Rio, came with us. We had a great time yakking and eating.

Yesterday was fun – we had a supplemental delivery of things that we had had in storage since we joined the Foreign Service. We got our master bedroom suite (welcome back, king-size bed!), plus a lot of odds and ends. It was hard work, but we have most things put away. It was like Christmas unpacking boxes!

This morning we went to the Oaxacan place for breakfast with Drew. It was packed with families celebrating Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

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