New arrivals

John and I are social sponsors for a new family who arrived yesterday, so we were busy this week getting ready for them. We had met Drew last year when he came on a TDY and we met the rest of the family when we went to the airport to get them yesterday. He and his wife have three adorable kids, so we filled our two SUVs with them and luggage and caravanned to their new (lovely) house. It was fun to see the girls (aged five and 11) run all over the house finding their rooms. We’re hosting a brunch for them this morning, so our kitchen is abuzz with activity getting ready for the consular managers to come over. I made a batch of cheesy grits in the slow cooker that I think are going to be delicious!

Friday night we went to a going-away party for one of our consular managers. It was a beautiful night and we sat outside and ate American-style BBQ – a treat!

The rest of the week was just busy as usual. I went to lunch one day with a young officer to offer bidding advice. I did manage to get myself back to the gym every morning, so that was a win!

Happy 55th wedding anniversary to Pete and Ginger! We sent a gift certificate to a steak house, accompanied by the photo below. Bon appetit!

Bon appetit!

Bon appetit!

Last weekend with David and Susie

Last weekend with David and Susie

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