Hometown girl

David and Alison

I left early Saturday morning for a quick trip back to Hot Springs – it’s been wonderful so far. When I arrived it was cold and pouring down rain and continued to do so all day! But that’s ok – we built a fire in the fireplace, opened a bottle of wine, and had a delicious homemade lasagne dinner.

This morning I went for a walk, then David and I brought the boat home from the shop – we decided it was a lovely day to be out on the lake, so we picked up Alison and tooled around some more…we came home for a while, then couldn’t resist another ride around – likely the last of the season and a lovely day for it – a bit overcast, no one else on the lake save the occasional fisherman.

Afterward we sat out by the fire pit and cooked up some victuals on the grill – then finished off the night with another fire and some Bailey’s Irish Cream – what a great day!

The lake is ours!

Goat Island!

Pretty Buddy


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