It’s so good to be home! It’s been really peaceful. A big highlight of this trip has been getting back into doing yoga, something I haven’t done for years. I’ve been going to The Yoga Place, owned by my college friend Karen, and I’m really enjoying it. Her studio is an old church downtown with an amazing stained glass rose window — just beautiful.
I’ve seen a few friends: coffee with Karen on a non-yoga day, coffee with Jackie after yoga one morning, and Easter dinner with David, Alison, and PeeWee — who arrived in her sporty new car complete with bunny ears and a bunny tail!
Thursday night, I went to Little Rock with PeeWee, Alison, and Nick to the UALR Chancellor’s Recital, where two of PeeWee’s voice students sang. I thoroughly enjoyed the performances and the choir just blew me away.
Alison and I went out on the boat one afternoon – the weather has been amazing!
And I had a good visit with Chuck one afternoon and I introduced him to chaffles (cheese waffles) made with my thrift store waffle iron!
Ann came to spend the night Friday night – we had a blast, cooking steaks on the grill and talking and talking and talking!
And John arrived yesterday morning! Hooray! Life is good!
Thanks to Carol for this great postcard Joyce wrote in 1948!