Back in DC

untitledWith Ann and Pam at Madeleine Albright’s event

Here we are, back in DC! We arrived yesterday, after leaving Hot Springs early Friday morning. We had great sunny weather and Flavia did fine on the ride. I saw a lot of deer, 40+ hawks and a pileated woodpecker on the way.

We had a great time during our last week of home leave. Last Sunday, we went to Little Rock to visit with John’s former co-worker Leland and his family. He grilled us some yummy venison while we yakked. Great to see him, Cathy and the kids, and nice to meet Cathy’s parents, too.

Afterward, we went to see “David and the Divas.” David is John’s former director of the River City Men’s Chorus. He played piano for three lovely divas, one of whom is Alison’s good friend Diane. We really enjoyed the concert, and also loved seeing many familiar faces from the chorus.

Tuesday, John and I met Pam and Ann at the Clinton Presidential Library to hear former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and to see her collection of pins. She is a wonderful speaker and we were happy to get to see her.

After the talk, we went to a local bar to hear John’s good friend Hooper and his band – they’re very good and fun to listen to. We also got to see his wife Ruth, and old friends Claire and Dave. What a fun evening!

Otherwise during the week, I picked up my new glasses, finally tracked down a bird bath for Mom (hard to find in the winter) and did a lot of last-minute stuff we’d been putting off. And, of course, we watched a lot of Olympic coverage. Mom took us back to KJ’s Grill for an early anniversary dinner (14 years coming up!).

Then we hit the road early Friday morning! Home leave was really fun and restful – which I needed before tackling Hebrew on Monday!

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