We celebrated Independence Day at a huge representational event at the Ambassador’s Residence Thursday evening after work. It was a huge blow-out party – much bigger and fancier than any other we’ve attended. The number of guests goes up every time I hear it, from 1200 to 1700. While fun, for us it was a work event, on top of an already full day – John and I were there not so much to have fun but to engage with foreign interlocutors. The party is funded by big corporate donors who provide food and drink, etc.
Yesterday John and I went to a smaller embassy celebration for the 4th at the Ambassador’s quincho (the outside grill area). We had a good time eating party leftovers and potluck fare, visiting in a casual setting with the coworkers who opted to come, and listening to a band made up of local staff – much more relaxing!
I finished reading “Unbroken” – wow, just wow! I’m now reading “On our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to be Good.” John and I have started watching the new and final season of Jack Ryan, plus the Mexican “Who Killed Sara.”
I spent this morning at the office working to get our computer systems back up after a power outage, then Lea came for an early afternoon coffee. Here we are at the big party: