Sleeping beauty

Little Flavie

It’s a three-day weekend for us due to a local holiday, and Flavie has spent a lot of time curled up on me sleeping – so sweet. I had the vet come this week for a blood test and check-up; her kidneys are getting worse, but not failing yet, so that’s good news. She’s eating well and seems to be in good spirits. A technician is coming this week to run a sonogram on her – I just want to be sure we’re paying attention since she turned 19 this summer. I’m also getting in touch with a cat nephrologist who has a good reputation here.

This was a busy week. The visiting computer team left Monday afternoon. Tuesday was a reception at Bosch Palace to welcome our new public affairs colleagues, Lydia and Anj (Lydia is an old friend and we were in A-100 with Anj). It was fun to see a couple of our favorite Argentine friends, Luis and Mr. H, and meet some new folks, too. And Wednesday was yoga at the embassy, which I’m really enjoying.

We had a wonderful dinner with Lea and Jose at Anchoito’s Friday night, and a chilly-but-delish lunch yesterday with Ben, Mara, and Magnolia. Earlier in the week we had torrential rains, and the temp really dropped back down afterward.

I finished “Fleishman is in Trouble,” which I enjoyed despite the navel-gazing, and am now reading the delightful “Lessons in Chemistry.” John and I finished “Korrha” and are now watching the Spanish, “The Snow Girl” crime drama.

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