Whirlwind trip

Mom, David and Alison

I took a whirlwind trip back to Hot Springs this weekend, arriving after midnight Friday night and left early Sunday morning. We had a fun family reunion at Iron Springs Campground, where we used to have reunions after “Decoration Day” at the Mt. Tabor Cemetery. It brought back a lot of childhood memories of being there in the cool shade and playing in the creek. We also got to see a lot of relatives from Uncle Shorty’s side of the family who we don’t normally get to see, which was a lot of fun.  Click here for photos.

It was a special weekend because David was also home from Diego Garcia. He and Alison came to the reunion, and then I went to their beautiful place on Lake Hamilton to sit and yak some more. Too bad James couldn’t have made it up from San Antonio!

I had a lucky day coming back from Hot Springs. I thought I had lost my favorite sweater (I bought it when we lived in Costa Rica), but the nice folks at Avis had found it in the parking lot and saved it for me! Then, I got an exit row seat on the long flight from Dallas to DC, and we were on time! Life is good!

The rest of the week was pretty quiet; just lots of studying. We watched “Sesame Street” in Hebrew, which was a hoot. We actually understood some of it and picked up some grammar rules, too.

John finished up his magic workshop last Sunday, and went to a magic lecture on Wednesday night. He’s gotten our friend Miguel interested in magic, too, so Miguel went with him.

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