Blustery Tel Aviv

Kitties being entertained


Luckily there are several folks with cats in our building, so we help each other out with catsitting. This week was my turn to check in on Rob’s cats. I took a DVD that was made to entertain cats – it’s just birds jumping around and chirping. His two cats went nuts watching it! So funny.

This was a pretty quiet week. I went to happy hour with some folks Friday night, which was a lot of fun. Saturday I stayed in all day, watching movies and working on taxes.

I’m envious of John, who flew to Mountain Home for the long holiday weekend! Wish I could be there, too.

This week at work, I renewed a passport for a teenager who was born in Hot Springs, not something I see every day! Then later in the week, a gentleman from outside Little Rock passed away while on a tour here in Israel. I’ve been working with his widow on the phone and helping to sort things out to get him back home for burial – I think it’s some degree of comfort to her that I’m from her neck of the woods.

The weather here has been chilly and rainy for much of the week, and windy! You about get blown over from the wind coming off the ocean. I ventured out for Thai food at lunch today, then a quick stop at the grocery store – luckily I got home before it started raining too hard. This has definitely been more of a winter here than last year.




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