So on Sunday we went to a going away party at our classmate Bo’s house in Georgetown. It was a perfect afternoon for a BBQ and keg of beer. Monday we had dinner with our classmate Jimmi at our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant near our apartment, and Tuesday night we went for tapas at Jaleo with Rebecca and Britney (thanks to Jim and Joan for a great recommendation).
Other than that, this week was pretty low-key for me. John went out Friday night with a friend who is leaving for India soon. We grilled last night with a friend from the passport task force – she and her husband are in between tours in Sierra Leone and The Vatican.
My big news for the week is that I think we finally have the Volvo fixed! Evidently, the door locks were messed up and were draining the battery. That would explain why the battery started going dead last winter at the airport (locked) but not in our garage (unlocked). It’s so great to have her back! This has been the most frustrating problem to diagnose, so hopefully it’s resolved!