When John and I were in Buenos Aires in 1996, we saw a ton of old Ford Falcons – there was (is?) a big Ford plant in Argentina, and even in the 90s, they were everywhere. We don’t see as many on the streets today, but we were alongside this one on our way to work this week. I think it’s a Falcon (or maybe a Fairlane?). Anyway, it’s always fun to see them. We also reminisce about the old parking meters we saw back then that were manufactured in Arkansas.
Yesterday I went on an adventure with Mara and her baby Magnolia – I drove the 4Runner for the first time in years and took her to the airport (about an hour outside of town) to pick up her dad and stepmom. She and I both have a bad sense of direction and I was a bit worried about driving the 4Runner after so many years, but we made it fine thanks to Google Maps. Later in the day I walked up to see the dogs for adoption, then John and I delivered some food to our colleague whose wife just had a baby (the baby is only a few days old and just adorable).
Last Sunday Lea and I went for sushi. We met again for Italian around the corner from our apartment at La Locanda to celebrate her birthday – nice cozy place with good food and fresh pasta.
We watched the American version of “A Man Called Ove” last night (“Otto” instead of “Ove”) and thoroughly enjoyed it. We loved the book and the Swedish version of the movie, too, and thought they did a nice job of the US version. We continue to enjoy “Shrinking” and we started the new season of “Ted Lasso.”
Another beautiful sunrise!