Lots of R&R

Beautiful sunrise

Despite being pretty busy, I’m still getting in lots of R&R! My favorite time is the early morning – I sit outside on the balcony and watch the sun come up. One morning was a big storm, which was wonderful. I love the quiet and watching the world come to life. I hung two hummingbird feeders and am really enjoying watching five or six of them fight over them.

I’ve been going to yoga almost every day and am really enjoying the stretching, exercise, and peacefulness of the practice.

I enjoyed Labor Day hamburgers with David, Alison, and PeeWee Monday evening. Tuesday I took David to his physical therapy appointment and ran some errands. Eye doctor appointment on Wednesday followed by lunch with Mary and a trip to the camera store.

Friday I drove to Conway to see Playwright’s Theatre at Hendrix – lots of fun. I met Pamela and Jackie for an early dinner, then picked up our former drama coach, Dr H, to drive her to the play. It was fun to see old classmates Elizabeth and Laura Rhea read the clever one-act play. I love being back in the theatre!

Professor Ann introducing the play

I spent the night with Ann in Conway and really enjoyed morning coffee and getting caught up with her.

I picked up John at the airport Saturday morning! So glad he’s here with me. We’ve enjoyed sitting on the balcony and watching the world go by!

I watched a fun Australian series called “Fisk,” then started on “Arrested Development,” which I’m also enjoying (I never saw it when it came out). John and I watched a good movie yesterday to commemorate 9-11, “Worth,” with Michael Keaton – it was a fascinating look at the victims’ compensation fund and how they made decisions about how much each life was “worth.”

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