We went back to La Rural this morning, again arriving early to beat some of the crowds on the last day. We picked up a few more things, watched some of the cow judging, and had another steak sandwich from the parrilla pictured above. I stayed a bit longer than John, hoping to see some riding competitions but it looked like the emphasis was on cattle today. I bought a great merino sweater (sheep farming is big in Patagonia) and came on home to enjoy the rest of the day.
My new boss Aaron arrived this week – transition season at the embassy is in full swing. I spent some amount of time getting him settled in his office, taking him to his first Country Team meeting, and briefing him on some imminent issues. John and I were also social sponsors for a new family, and went to their new apartment after work Wednesday to leave groceries for their arrival the next morning. I took them for a big grocery shop yesterday afternoon after my hair appointment.
Argentina signed the Artemis Accords this week during the visit of the NASA Administrator Bill Nelso and former senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I participated in a briefing for her – although my part was small, it was fun to be at the table with someone I’d only seen on CSPAN before. At age 80 or thereabouts, she looks exactly the same and was quite sharp.
John and I watched this week’s episode of “Hijack” (love it) and finished “Deadloch,” which we really enjoyed and laughed at. I finished “Elena Knows,” by Argentine author Claudia Piniera.
A few more photos from today’s outing: