This week sure felt a lot more normal. We had our first in-person country team meeting in over a year, I had a team meeting in my section around a conference table, and we’ve had a few social events. It’s great!
We had a couple of fun work things this week – John and I were invited to attend the promotion ceremony of one of our DOD colleagues, Jordan. We worked closely with him during last year’s evacuation flights as he ran the tarmac operations. For many of the flights, it was him, John, me, and Matt biting our nails and waiting endless hours for the flights to land and take off again.

We also had a crisis management exercise. Most of it was done via video conference, but afterward our med unit did an evacuation drill flying a “patient” out on an NGO’s helicopter, so we got to see the embassy’s helo pad in action.

On the social front, we went to Nate’s last night for some good BBQ and a game of Catan. His house directly overlooks the beach so we enjoyed the sound of the waves and a good sunset. Today we went to a very fun brunch at Jason and Jamie’s house – it was fun talking to some of the folks who are “new to me” even though they have been here for a few months.

Last Sunday I had a good video chat with Ann and Pam, and today my friend Cathy in Calgary and I talked for two hours – always fun to catch up with her.
We watched “The Mauritanian” and “Georgetown” this week – both were good, but I especially liked “Georgetown.”