Laundry Day
I feel like we’re very gradually moving into a slightly more normal time. COVID in Liberia has subsided for the time being, officers are returning to post from the long hiatus, and new officers are arriving. We went to a socially distanced welcome party last night for the new political chief and his wife (she’s coming to work with us in the consular section!) – the party even included some foreign diplomats from the EU, so it actually felt like a party.
Friday night we had a small get-together downstairs to welcome another new officer – we meant to play Catan but didn’t stop talking long enough to get a game going.
I had a good video chat last weekend with Ann, Pamela, and Jackie. John worked last weekend and this weekend at the office – it’s year end, so his financial folks are quite busy. I also worked, but was able to do it from home, which was nice.
We watched “Young Wallander” this week, a Swedish crime show that we enjoyed.
On a sad note, Pamela’s poodle Gus passed away this week unexpectedly after a short illness. It’s so hard to lose our companions after they’ve been our buddies for so long. Rest In Peace, Gus.