John and I feel like we hit the jackpot on this R&R – lots of good times with friends and family and a few nice lazy rainy mornings on the balcony, like today. This old refurbished slot machine is at the Vapors, where we went last night to see the talented Scott Davis in his comedy magic show – he’s so good and his one-liners really cracked us up. I remember going to the Vapors as a kid with Mom to see Phyllis Diller and I think the Smothers Brothers.
We drove to Fayetteville Tuesday and were happy to give Chuck a ride up there so we could visit with him. We enjoyed seeing Pete and Ginger!

After driving through a lot of rain, we stopped for lunch with Pamela at Hendrix and took a stroll through campus. It was so fun to see the young kids so full of promise! We stopped by the memorial for one of our favorite professors, John Churchill.

John’s friend Russ came to spend the day Thursday and we had dinner along with his wife Cathie at Santorini’s, a really good new-to-us Greek restaurant. Delish! John and I also had a Rocky’s pizza earlier in the week, satisfying an itch for a good pizza.
Mary stopped by on Friday on her way to her high school reunion in Malvern – great to visit with her.
I made another quick trip to Little Rock for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Hester on Thursday, and ran in Trader Joe’s. Alison and Pee Wee came for coffee yesterday afternoon – John got a fabulous new espresso machine and they gave it their seal of approval. Pee Wee brought some delicious homemade bagels with salmon spread that we enjoyed.
I read a great book, “Between Two Kingdoms” this week, as well as “The Good Enough Job.” I also spent time playing with John’s new camera, trying to learn how to use it. We watched “The Morning Show” and “Unforgotten.” The best show of all, though, are the beautiful sunrises and the antics of the hummingbirds!